
Speak, Influence and Sell - "Two Day Workshop"

This intensive “two day” workshop trains a person on exactly how the best in the world Speak, Influence, and SELL! Attendees of this training will spend two days back to back learning from John and being taught the blueprint needed to perfect any presentation.  This workshop is content heavy as John kicks off the training on day 1 with EXACTLY how to begin a presentation starting with the first words that come out of our mouth and why we are using them all the way to choreographing the outcome we want.  The person attending this training will learn how to structure every minute of their presentation from the “open” all the way to the “close.”  This workshop is ideal for someone who wants to speak on stage in front of a crowd, someone who is selling or recruiting one on one and someone who wants to learn how the best in the world influence others to go their way!  This workshop is offered periodically around the country in various cities throughout the year along with specific group requests.


Live Webinars

Depending on the topic being covered- JDC will tailor two, four, and six hour LIVE webinars that attendees can enjoy from the comfort of their own home or office. 


Private Group Coaching

One of JDC’s more popular trainings- teams and companies will often hire John to come spend a couple days with their group to learn the in’s and outs of speaking and presenting. 



Although limited, John does keynote presentations for corporations at their company wide conferences. Typically a 1-3 hour presentation, John will go over important topics like how to structure your opening and tips that anyone in the room can implement immediately along with motivational speaking. 


Private One-On-One Coaching

If you are looking to learn from John and have his personal input when structuring your specific presentation- this option is probably the most ideal for you. No matter your industry, John will sit with you, learn about the presentation at hand, and tailor a specific plan for you. 


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